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Task Three

This Is Where I Upload Evidence Of My Task Three Work.




Sound v audio

Definition: Audio: is anything audible that has been produced, recorded or processed by something electronic or digital.

                    Sound: is anything audible, from any format or instrument.

Volume v level

Definition: Volume: quantity or power of sound; degree of loudness.

                   Level: level refers to various logarithmic measurements of audible vibrations.


Definition: (especially in sound recording) combine (two or more signals or soundtracks) into one.

Sound design

Definition: is the art and practice of creating sound tracks for a variety of needs. It involves specifying, acquiring or creating auditory elements                       using audio production techniques and tools.


Definition: in a state in which two or more people or things move or happen together at the same time and speed.


Definition: relating too or concerned with the addition of recorded sound effects after the shooting of a film.

Diegetic sound

Definition: Diegetic sound, also called "actual sound" by some, is any sound that originates from a source within the video or film's world. It can                       be either on-screen or off-screen, depending on its source of the sound.

Non-diegetic sound

Definition: Non-diegetic sound, also known as "commentary sound," is audio whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied in the                          action. This can include a narrator's commentary, added sound effects or mood music in the background.

Venom - adding sound effects

Research the use of audio in films and TV



Pick a clip from a film that you like, where you can hear the film score clearly.


Following Aaron Copland’s ‘five ways’, in what ways does the music help create the emotional and story content of the film?


1. Does the music help create a sense of time and place?

Yes - as it’s a dramatic entrance in the middle of a huge battle scene.

2. Does the music underline or reinforce the psychological meaning of the scene?

Yes - no-one was expecting Thor entering the battle scene.

3. Does the music serve as a ‘neutral’ background filler?

No -  as it’s very dramatic with  fighting which isn’t neutral.

4. Does the music help build continuity between scenes?

Yes - as it’s the main score for when the team are together fighting.

5. Does the music help build a scene towards a climax and create a sense of finality?

Yes - as the music builds an epic grand finale to show the power of how close they are to winning as a team.




Pick an example of a song that already existed before the film (or TV show) was made, that has been used in a film for a memorable scene.


Following Aaron Copland’s ‘five ways’, in what ways does the soundtrack song help create the emotional and story content of the film?


1. Does the song help create a sense of time and place?

No - as it’s a jolly song but they are battling in the background.

2. Does the song underline or reinforce the psychological meaning of the scene?

Not sure - because there’s too many things happening at once in the scene.

3. Does the song serve as a ‘neutral’ background filler?

No -  as it’s the complete opposite genre of what’s going on.

4. Does the song help build continuity between scenes?

Yes - as it just adds a bit of fun and laughter to what the character is doing on-screen (e.g: Groot dancing around)

5. Does the song help build a scene towards a climax and create a sense of finality?

No - as it’s irrelevant to what's happening around.

Audio research 2

What is sound design?

Sound Design is the creation of a variety of art and practice needs of sound tracks in a film.


How can sound design help tell your story? 

As it informs the viewers where about's the scene is taking place and how they should be feeling whilst watching the film.

Example One: Dialogue sound effects

Example One: The atmosphere effects,feeling%20while%20watching%20that%20scene.

How is contrast used in sound design?

Contrast is something being strikingly different from something else, typically something in a juxtaposition or close association in the sound design film.


Example One: Shift'S between different perspectives

Example One: Scenes for dramatic effect,or%20scenes%20for%20dramatic%20effect.

What is the function of ambience (backgrounds) in sound design?
Ambience is used to provide a movie location with sonic space and normally occupies a separate track in the sound edit.

Example One: Wildlife - bird sounds

Example One: City - street sounds,track%20in%20the%20sound%20edit.

What is the difference between sound FX and foley?

Sound Effects are created artificially or by enhancing a sound. They are used to depict the mood, simulate reality or even create an illusion in a video. Whereas a Foley is the sounds that are added near the end of production of a video. These sounds are caused by human interaction.

Example of Sound Effects: Glass bottle breaking

Example of Foley: Players footsteps,clothes%20rustling%2C%20cutlery%20sounds%20etc.&text=A%20pair%20of%20gloves%20sounds%20like%20bird%20wings%20flapping

How can music help tell the story of a scene?

It helps the viewer to fully convey the intended emotion of a scene and establish continuity to add the momentum.

Example of One: A sad movie would have sad music

Example of Two: A happy movie would have happy music,establish%20continuity%20and%20add%20momentum.

What is meant by a ‘sweetener’ in sound design?

Sweetening is a sound design practice in which additional audio and effects are used to enhance audio already recorded.

Example of One: Laughing track in a live studio audience to emphasis a joke

Example of Two: Wolf howling creating a haunting effect,to%20enhance%20audio%20already%20recorded.&text=In%20television%2C%20sweetening%20refers%20to,to%20a%20live%20studio%20audience.

Me adding Audio in a Venom Clip

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