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Cartoon Caper

This Is Where I Upload Evidence Of My Cartoon Caper Work.

Task One


Develop skills in Animation

What you need to do:

1. Experiment with practical tasks and tutorials that will introduce you to the basic concepts and techniques of animation.

2. Document your learning on your coursework website. 

How you'll be assessed:

Evidence will be reviewed by your tutor and shared in class. 

Note: some of you have prior knowledge of After Effects, for you the challenge will be to identify what you don't yet know and seek out online tutorials that help you get even better!

Task Two

Task Three


Research films, TV shows and music videos that mix animation and live action

What you need to do: 

Use research to locate and analyse examples of film and video that combine 2D animation with live action footage. What are the tropes of this kind of film making? Which approaches do you think work best? Write a short (500w) report analysing five examples of films, TV shows or music videos that combine animation with live action. 

How you will be assessed:

You will post your research report and experimental research on your website for peer and tutor review and feedback.


Research chase scenes, particularly use of audio


What you need to do: 

Use research to locate and analyse examples of film and video that feature a chase scene. What are the tropes of this kind of film making? How does the story work, how are the shots put together? What is the editing like? Which approaches do you think work best?

Pay attention to the audio. Is music used? Is there sync sound? Have audio FX been added?

Write a short (500w) report analysing five examples of chase scenes, making sure to 

How you will be assessed:

You will post your research report and experimental research on your website for peer and tutor review and feedback.

Task Four


Plan your own one-minute chase scene mixing live action and animation, and using foley audio

What you need to do: 

Create a script and storyboard with clear timings for a short filmed sequence, max 20 shots, using your music track as the basis for your timings. Keep it simple! Make sure to plan for where you will include your animated character in the frame. TIP: you can use repetition and cutting to create duration for this sequence. 

How you will be assessed:
You will post your planning on your website for peer and tutor review and feedback.

Task Five


Design and create an animated character


What you need to do:

You need to document the process of inspiration, research and design of a 2D animated character. 

Working in Photoshop or Illustrator, you need to create an animation-ready asset that can be composited into your filmed sequence. 


How you will be assessed: 
You will post evidence of the character design process on your website for peer and tutor review and feedback. Make sure to include evidence of the initial design of your character, explaining your inspiration. 


Task six


Produce and edit a short film sequence.

What you need to do:


Working in teams (ideally) you will film a short sequence and edit it together in Premiere. 

How you will be assessed: 
You will document all stages of the process using regular production diaries, posted on your website for peer and tutor review and feedback.

Task seven


Animate your character and composite into your short film sequence. 

What you need to do:


There are a lot of possible stages to this process, and your achievement will be determined by the amount of time and effort you are able to put in at this key stage. Some things to think about: 

The animation can be looped, rather than specific for different shots; using masking is time-consuming but can give great results in terms of inserting a character into a scene. 

How you will be assessed: 
You will document all stages of the process using regular production diaries, posted on your website for peer and tutor review and feedback.

Task eight


Add audio assets to your short chase scene 


What you need to do:

Using your research as a guide and the plans you made for Task 3, you can add audio assets including FX and music to your chase sequence, and mix to get the best levels for the effect you want. When you have completed the audio pass on your edit, you should be ready to export the finished result. 

How you will be assessed:
You will document your practical process with screen grabs and diary entries. You will post your completed short film onto your website for peer and tutor review and feedback. 

Task nine


Evaluate the process of making a chase scene

What you need to do:

Write an evaluative report (500w) that clearly reflects on the audio and moving-image production aspects of the project, as well as the advantages and challenges of working as part of a team (if possible). 

How you will be assessed:
You will post your evaluation on your website for peer and tutor review and feedback. 

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