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Task four

This Is Where I Upload Evidence Of My Task Three Work.

Character design

Evil Ghost King | MIDAS.PNG

What is your character’s name?
Evil Ghost King MIDAS.

What is their flaw?
My character's strength is being Reckless but the flaw is being gullible.

Explain your design 

What basic shape did you use and why?
I went with a triangle as the sharp corners represents his evilness towards everyone.

What are the distinctive features of your character’s silhouette?
The pointedness of the character to show he's not be messed around with.

What are you pleased about in terms of your character design?
The face as I'm not good creating facial expressions on an mad character.

What further changes could you make to your character design? (and how are those based on some of the ideas we’ve covered in class)
The bottom half of my character as somethings looks off with it as it doesn't have.a ghost looking feeling. And add some colour as it would make my character a lot more evil when it's looking sinister.

videos on Character design

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